
Showing posts from 2011

Out With The Old & In With The New?

So, Are you ready for the year 2012? Ready or not, it is coming! We do not know what the new year will hold for all of us. We could plan for it and hope that it will go that way?  Do you make resolutions? I used to but gave up doing them, most of them were futile and far reaching. I used to smoke and finally quit but it was never a resolution. It was something that I finally decided that I needed to do for myself, just for me. That was nearly 6 years ago! What will be new for me now? I have made some adjustment in the way I shop for groceries and the way I eat. This is not for a way to lose weight but it will help that in a long run. I am choosing to cut out or cut back on things that are high in carbohydrates, such as white pasta, white sugar, white breads, etc. I am not diagnosis diabetic but if I do not make adjustments now, it is possible. So I have changed with what I pick to buy and eat. It sounds rough to be without those yummy things but I did not look ...

...A Milestone! (psst...there is a giveaway too!)

Wow! The time sure flies by when you are not watching! So many things have happened since my last post. I mentioned about a milestone and it is about this post. you are reading my 100th post. I am very surprised! I mean, already?  Really? Well with this revelation, I went back to read that first post to see what had happened?  It was the 12th of November in year 2006! Many of you may not have known because that post was originally on a blog that I created as Abigail's blog. Time went by and I didn't always keep it up to date for her. Later, I created this blog and I am fond of it.  I have gained many friends through it, learned a lot along the way! Then I had felt kind of sad that I did not continue with Abigail's blog because I felt it was abandoned and neglected. I became determined to do something about that, to find a way to bring that blog into this one. I did some reading and research. "There just had to be a way!"  YES! YES! ...

...The "Upcoming" Palmetto Tatters Guild's 10th Annual Tat Days!

Are you ready yet? My heart is! Mentally, I think I am ready.  Physically? I am not ready! Palmetto Tatters Guild will be making a milestone in the year 2012!  They... we will be celebrating our tenth ...yep, TENTH, annual Tat Days! I am already making plans for that Tat Days! My mind is spinning with ideas and plans! I love meeting all the other tatters. I love learning more with tatting. I love the location, not because it is in "MY" town But because it is beautiful there. I sat at the dining tables mostly That were located beside the picture windows. The view is breath taking. The lake,  The trees hugging it, The ripples in the water washing away the tension, picture from Palmetto Tatters Guild's website Goals planned for this year in preparation for PTG's Tat Days 2012 submit few teaching applications to teach harass KrystleDawne a.k.a. Dr. Von Threadmore to attend the said Tat Days cre...

...Special Announcement to Tatters Everywhere!

Friday, September 23, 6:00 to 6:30pm (EST) Guinness Book of World Records and Facebook One exciting thing we hope to achieve this year at Tat Days is to get in the Guinness Book of World Records! Yes! Friday afternoon, between 6 and 6:30 (EST), we will all be tatting the same pattern at the same time-making snowflakes. We will be using our  Tat Off! Pattern . When searching the Guinness Records, we found 0 entries for tatting. We will be the first! And the world will know tatting is NOT a lost art! (Note: In the end, it will be up to the Guinness folks to accept our numbers. We have done the paperwork and have a local person to certify. We will see.) IF you would like to  JOIN IN in the FUN , find Palmetto Tatters on  Facebook  or  LIVE video at  Add a comment or check our Chat. Let us know you are with us including by using a name when you sign into the live stream and telling your location by state and...

...Sunshine Can Travel!

Yesterday my mailbox looked very bright after the mailman delivered some mail  and a package from Cottonelle.  I got one of those cover for the "nekkid" toilet paper roll for free.  I was going to post the site for  y'all to try get your own but I saw that they ran out of that promotion.  I got the one in the middle But that was not the brightest thing from my mailbox. This was! (below) Isn't that the most wonderful Sunshine that you have ever seen... lately? This was a surprise for me and I am truly blessed by this beautiful tatted cross! Another sweet Tatter on this Earth! If you know a gal named Lily and has a blog called  The Eye Candy for Crafters . She is the one!!!! What a sweet surprise with a lovely sweet note! Lily, Thank you!  You have no idea that my world is upside and this lovely gift is perfect timing with a reminder that all will BE okay! (Because HE is in complete control)

...A Discount on The "ONS" for Those Going To Palmetto Tatters Guild's Tat Days 2011

I have a special offer for anyone who will be attending the Palmetto Tatters Guild's 9th Annual Tat Day on September 23-24, 2011 in Toccoa, GA. $ 2.00 off each shuttles and free shipping The special offer is on all of my "ONS" tatting shuttles at my Etsy shop... click  here , $ 2.00 off each shuttles and free shipping (I'll bring them to the Tat Days for delivery!) Find the shuttle that you like, then contact me from that page, telling me that you would like to purchase that shuttle(s) and then I will set up that for you to purchase at sale price and no shipping cost. Then I'll contact you via Etsy. Please leave me your name in the contact message, so I know who to find at the Tat Days for personal delivery! This offer is good for those who pay on Etsy. First Come, First Served. It is not too late to go to this Tat Days if you haven't decided to go yet! For all the information go  here: Palmetto Tatters Tat Days 2011   but hurry..the time is get...

...Shuttles Flying Around Here!

I have been having so much fun lately with dressing up the poor nekkid tatting shuttles! (For the story about "ONS", the once nekkid shuttles click  here  ) I dressed up so many of them... 17 of them in fact! I try real hard to do my part in this world, dressing up the nekkids! They are fashionable in many colors! Some even make a statement! Some even go wild! (this one below has been sold) Some like to be subtle!  ...sold Some are fruity! And these are just few of the examples of the latest fashion in the world of  "ONS"! All of these and other ONS can be found at my  Etsy Shop! I have also been busy with tatting! I been tatting up butterflies and they are taking over! But a gal gotta pay up her dues! My dues for the tatting guild that I belong to! The Palmetto Tatters Guild use these "dues" for sharing with the public at the South Carolina State Fair while they demonstrate tatting. I am so excited that PTG's tat days are comi...

...I Love Rainbows and One Arrived!

I love this and all other rainbows! photo by   I love them! They come in many variations!  A box of crayons, tie-dyes,  foods, clothing, stationary, cars, houses, flowers.  The list goes on and on... and I love them all! Yesterday a large box arrived at my door. It was a hefty weight. I already knew what the box contained before opening it. There in my box waiting for me to open was my rainbow! My Rainbow! Look! I'm in heaven! Calicoes! More calicoes! My rainbow! My Hubby is the greatest! My rainbow! FABRIC!  I'm in heaven! I am going to be sewing! Yes, I am! What will I sew? Aren't these rainbows beautiful? Calicoes! Flowers! So pretty! I will be wearing these! All the delightful colors! All mine! (Yes, I am an only child) Mine! Mine.. mine!!! Happy Flowers! Beautiful Flowers! Colors for all seasons!  I love cotton! I love rainbows! Yes, I love them!   I am ...

...Naturally Nora All Natural Baking Mixes!

A wee while back, I entered a giveaway for Naturally Nora Baking Mixes on  Sugar Pop Ribbons' blogs . and thought nothing more about this until I received an email announcing that I am the lucky winner! I once again thought nothing more ...until the PostMan ...or was it The UPS Guy? that had arrived up my driveway with a fairly large parcel addressed to me. I think that my mind has taken a vacation without my permission! I read the return label and was clueless of the sender... until I opened the said parcel! LOOK! This was my prize from the giveaway! All of THIS! Three cake mixes, three frosting mixes, one sugar cookie mix and one brownie mix. I was flabbergasted...all of this for Hubby and I to try! I was so excited that I had to bake something!  BROWNIES! The first choice! I opened the cardboard box and was very delighted to see that the mix was in a plastic bag! (Sorry for the sideway picture, just tilt your head to the left for a better angl...

...It's The Southern Thing

For those who know me, will eventually realize that I am not a Southern originally. My Hubby evens calls me Yankee, affectionately. Funny thing is I do not consider myself a Yankee. It is true that I was born in New York, please note that I did not mention city.  My Hubby is a native Georgian born gentleman. Well, ever since moving to Georgia from Washington (I didn't say D.C.) seven years ago, there is a quote or phrase I hear often and I mean often. "It's the Southern thing". I have learn many differences of the Southern thing and it depends on who you talk to! I ate enough Brunswick Stew to notice that there are different styles and this depends on "where" in the South! Among the locals and Southerners, they even debate about whose stew is the best or better. So, it is the Southern thing. Then you have grits in the South and you can find it on nearly all menus! I like grits my way which is the Northern thing, with butter and maple syrup which I do for...