...The "Upcoming" Palmetto Tatters Guild's 10th Annual Tat Days!
Are you ready yet? My heart is! Mentally, I think I am ready. Physically? Well...no I am not ready! Palmetto Tatters Guild will be making a milestone in the year 2012! They... we will be celebrating our tenth ...yep, TENTH, annual Tat Days! I am already making plans for that Tat Days! My mind is spinning with ideas and plans! I love meeting all the other tatters. I love learning more with tatting. I love the location, not because it is in "MY" town But because it is beautiful there. I sat at the dining tables mostly That were located beside the picture windows. The view is breath taking. The lake, The trees hugging it, The ripples in the water washing away the tension, picture from Palmetto Tatters Guild's website http://www.palmettotatters.org/events/Toccoa/index.htm Goals planned for this year in preparation for PTG's Tat Days 2012 submit few teaching applications to teach harass KrystleDawne a.k.a. Dr. Von Threadmore to attend the said Tat Days cre...