
...A Tatter Requested

Hi There! I am still around! Life just keeps on rolling along and I am trying to keep up with it! I had a request from a Tatter who shops at my Etsy for Halloween theme "ONS". This was a bit of a challenge for me... BUT I made a few. They turned out so cute, if I do say so for myself! If you are looking for some, just take a trip to my Etsy Shop, "  Yesterday's Scraps, Tomorrow's Treasures  " Here is an example of one! Thank you for looking and I hope all are doing well! ~Karrieann

...Hurdles Got In The Way!

Funny how you cruise along life and basically life goes along okay even with some of the minor bumps that life offers. I would manage to get over those bumps pretty good and if I fell, I'd just dust the dirt off my knees. Since I last made the previous post, I ran into many hard hurdles! Many of them really hurt me emotionally! Ouch! Without going into details of those hurdles, I have been falling flat on my face and bruising my knees with scrapes of tough changes in life. I have become a care-giver for someone who I love dearly. So frustrating! ...for her So over whelmed! ...for me So full of uncertainties! ...for her ...for me I went back to church last Sunday. It had been too long and it was time to come "home" again. I am reminded that my life matters too and I can "do" this. Slowly, I am regaining myself back. ...for me ...for her Slowly, I am getting back to joy. ...for me ...for her A nudge sent me into the kitchen. No excuses, all...

...Going to Be Away, Also An Update on Dr. V's Travel Fund

Hey There Readers! I will be heading West soon, to visit family and help my Mom with her life changing plans. My laptop is staying home. Krystledawne a.k.a. Dr. Von Threadmore (on right) and myself at Shuttlebirds Tat Days 2011 Dr. V was the teacher and I was her Teach's Pet. Dr. Von Threadmore's plans to attend the Palmetto Tatter's Guild's Tat Day 2012 have been postponed to 2013. This is mostly my mishap, I neglected to inform the good ole Dr about the dates and other important information for applying to teaching.  I really appreciate the generosity of the contributors thus far. I am going to keep going with the fund raiser for Dr. Von Threadmore and hope that it will be successful for her to attend the PTG's Tat Days 2013. Then purchasing the airfare early will be less costly! If any of you have any blog(s) and desire to blog about this cause, please email me to discuss this. I will toss in either a skein of HDT ...

... Trimming Down My Usage on Facebook!

It is amazing of how much time passes you by when you are not paying attention. It seems that two years have basically flew by me without much thought. For the past month or so, I finally took a serious look at my home with open eyes. It is disorderly...pretty bad. It got that way because I allowed Facebook's games to take over and monopolize my time. It was time to say for me to say to self, "Enough IS ENOUGH!" It was time for me to get back to the things that I love doing, to stop using things that sucked away my time, to manage my time better... for my self and for my health. I guess it is possible to say that I have been in state of denial... not of drugs or anything like that but of life itself. So, before this blog post I deleted all of the Facebook games that I was addicted to and is deleting "friends" that are not friends, just people who also play the same games as I did to have more "neighbors". I had 649 friends! Yikes! That list is...

...Another Trip To The Farm, Oops I Meant The Market

Hey There Readers! Yep! It was Saturday yesterday, which meant another trip to pick up my share of the harvest for the week! This week's list of yummy and healthy food included Tuscan Kale, Zucchini, Fennel, Swiss Chard, Broccoli and Kohlrabi. Fresh Broccoli     Heh? What the heck is that, you ask?  Well, Kohlrabi is a member of the brassica family, whose nutrient-dense cabbages (as well kales, brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower) are highly regarded for their antioxidants properties. You can eat them raw, just peeled, sliced and added to a salad, but they are also delicious cooked and are often used in stir fry  (info provided by Taylor Creek Farm). I also googled Kohlrabi to find the  pronunciation of it . "cole-rah-bee" I also learned that it is a german turnip! This is a Kohlrabi  Sooooo ...what did I do with my German sputnik looking turnip a.k.a. Kohlrabi? I stripped off the leaves and cut it in half. I a...

...Fresh Goodness For Last Night's Dinner

Sure, I have eaten many salads in my life time and loved most of them. The difference in local farm freshness and produce shipped from who knows where is amazing. As I was preparing last night dinner, I tasted each item before using them in the salad. I was tasting new flavors like the kale, the fennel, the greens from the beets. Even the lettuce had a burst of flavor! Lets not forget the aroma! My nose was smelling the perfume of the fennel and radishes. I added the tomatoes which did come from my grocer and made sure it was "Product of USA". These were fine but when it is the season for local tomatoes, I'll be on cloud 9! If there was only one vegetable that I had to choose from to live on the rest of my life, it would be the tomatoes! Yes, I am aware that they are actually "fruit" but I don't care! A Picture worth many descriptions! farm fresh: lettuce, kale (two kind), fennel, zucchini, radishes, beet greens... store bought: scallions, t...