...A Shameless Plug for Dr. VonThreadmore's Tat Days Airfare Fund.
<~~~ As you can see. I am begging and shamelessly too! Thank You so far, to the contributors! Recap: The Full Story About Dr. Von Threadmore's Travel Fund (a.k.a. Kyrstledawne) With that note, I would like to share something that would be totally wonderful for the coming year. Many of my readers know that I LOVE to attend the Palmetto Tatters' Guild 's Tat Day and any other Tat Days! I hope to teach a class or two. I also dream of my daughter Kyrstledawne from Kyrstledawne ~ Fine Lace Jewelry , to come to Palmetto's Tat Days held in Toccoa, GA. (Sept 7 & 8, 2012) I have lived here since 2004 and she has yet to see my home or the "South"! Wouldn't you Tatters also like to see and meet Krystle too? *gasps* Even Dr. Von Threadmore? Maybe she.. err they would teach a class or two at Tat Days? Wouldn't you like that too? Well, I k...